Anders Granberg (b. 1973)
Conceptual artist working with a variety of diciplins: drawing, film, public installations, performances, sculptures, photography, etc.


Solo exhibitions
2021 Granö kulturcentrum – Granö, Sweden
2016 Minority Gallery – Stockholm, Sweden
2015 - 2017 Postmuseum – Stockholm, Sweden
2012 Nacka Konsthall – Nacka, Sweden
2011 Vänersborgs Konsthall – Vänersborg, Sweden
2011 Väsby Konsthall – Upplands Väsby. Sweden
2009 Galleri Vol. – Stockholm, Sweden
2008 Galleri Vallberga – Ystad, Sweden
2008 Kulturens hus – Luleå, Sweden
2007 Galleri Vol. – Stockholm, Sweden
2007 Allmänna Galleriet AG925 – Stockholm, Sweden
2007 Ljusgården, Umeå kulturförvaltning – Umeå, Sweden
2007 Galleri Rostrum – Malmö, Sweden
2007 Galleri The Basement – Västerås, Sweden

Group exhibitions
2024 Bothniasalong 2024, Skellefteå Konsthall c/o Nordanå, Västerbottens museum – Umeå, Ájtte – Jokkmokk, Sweden
2024 Konst åt alla, Vännäs, Sweden
2024 Kikain, Kalmar, Sweden
2022 – 2023 Fair Practice Code Tour – Lumière Cinema in Maastricht, Bibliotheek De Domijnen Sittard, ECI Cultuurfabriek in Roermond, Museum van Bommel van Dam – Venlo, HuB Kerkade, Kerkade – Netherlands
2021 Localism – Västerås, Sweden
2021 Älgnäs Konsthall – Söderhamn, Sweden
2021 Liljevalchs vårsalong – Stockholm, Sweden
2019 The Scarlet Gallery X Gotland, Sweden
2019 Konsten i korridorerna, Kristinehamns historiska, Sweden
2018 Bothniasalongen, Skellefteå Konsthall, Sweden
2018 The Scarlet Gallery X Gotland, Sweden
2018 Bothniasalongen, Luleå Konsthall, Sweden
2017 Ängelsbergs Skulpturpark, Ängelsberg, Sweden
2016 Moving Art Project – Stockholm, Falun, Karlstad, Växjö, Jönköping, Malmö, Göteborg, Östersund, Luleå, Sweden
2016 Grupp_ex, Minority Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden
2016 Revelation Art Screening, Ytan, Västerås, Sweden
2015 RVA Environmental Film Fest, Richmond, Virginia, USA
2015 Katrineholms konsthall, Katrineholm, Sweden
2014 Voices From The Waters – International Film Festival, National Gallery of Modern Art, Bangalore, India
2014 Affordable Art Fair, Stockholm, Sweden
2013 Mediavawe Film Festival, Fort Monostor, Komárom, Hungary
2013 Outcasting – Wales, UK
2013 Arte Postale – Akademie der Künste, Berlin, Germany
2011 Liljevalchs vårsalong – Stockholm, Sweden
2011 Serial Box Video Festival – Colombia, Missouri, USA
2011 Naoussa International Film Festival, Greece
2011 FIKE 2011 – 10th International Short Film Festival, Portugal
2010 Galleri Vallberga – Ystad, Sweden
2010 Festival Les Instants Vidéo, Marsielle, France
2009 Liljevalchs vårsalong – Stockholm, Sweden2009 Kulturens hus – Luleå, Sweden
2009 Marsvinsholms skulpturpark – Ystad, Sweden
2009 Richard Levy Gallery – Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
2007 Blackbook – Västerås slott – Västerås, Sweden
2007 The Best of the Basement – The Basement – Västerås, Sweden
2006 EnVar – Kulturhuset – Stockholm, Sweden
2001 Västerås konstmuseum – Västerås, Sweden
2000 Folkets hus – Umeå, Sweden
1999 Art Walk Sweden-Baltic – Umeå, Sweden

2012 "Three Lightning Bolts", The city of Växjö, Sweden
2011 "The Pentagram of Väsby", The city of
Upplands Väsby, Sweden
2010-2012 “Cubes”, The city of Sundsvall
2009 “Cubes”, The municipality of Halmstad
2006 The Pentagram of Stockholm, Sweden

Jönköping Municipality, Sweden
Kalmar Municipality, Sweden
Kristinehamn Municipality, Sweden
Linköpings Municipality, Sweden
Nyköpings Municipality, Sweden
Public Art Agency (Statens konstråd), Sweden
Region Halland, Sweden
Region Jönköpings Län, Sweden
Region Kronoberg, Sweden
Region Norrbotten, Sweden
Region Värmland, Sweden
Region Västerbotten, Sweden
Region Västmanland, Sweden
Region Östergötland, Sweden
Sundsvall Municipality, Sweden
The city of Halmstad, Sweden
The city of Luleå, Sweden
The city of Sundsvall, Sweden
The city of Umeå, Sweden
The city of Västerås, Sweden
The County Council of Västerbotten, Sweden
Uppsala Municipality, Sweden
Umeå Municipality, Sweden
Östersund Municipality, Sweden

2021 Mobilitetsstöd, Konstfrämjandet Västerbotten
2018, 19, 20 Ateljévistelse Umeå kommun
2009 Västerås kulturstipendium
2002 Fabrikör JL Eklunds Hantverksstiftelse
2001 Fabrikör JL Eklunds Hantverksstiftelse

2000 Stiftelsen August Ringnér Stipendiefond

Lectures / workshops
2018 Cradlenet North, ”Circular Art”
2018 Umeå Creative Industry Association, ”Recycling as Art”
2017 The Creative Circus - Atlanta, US
2017 TEDx - Umeå, Sweden
2013 WWWDS2013 The Water Wheel Symposium2013 Berghs School of Communication, Sweden
2009 Rumslig gestaltning, Mälardalens Högskola, Sweden

2019 Västerbottenskuriren Kultur, 2019 P4 Västerbotten, 2019 Nordic Style Magazine, 2019 SVT Kultur, 2015 Cap & Design Magazine, December, 2015 Mitt i Hammarby Skarpnäck, November, 2015 Västmanlands Läns Tidning, October, 2015 Sveriges Radio Västmanland, October, 2015 Sveriges Televison, October, 2013 Svenskt Vatten, May, 2013 The Ecologist, August, 2013 Ecoprofile, August, 2011 TTELA, September, 2011 Tidningen Vi Väsby, June, 2010 Hallandsposten, February, 2010 Conventus Branschnyheter, Mars, 2010 Dagbladet Nya Samhället, May, 2010 Sundsvalls Tidning, May, 2010 Kvällsposten, June, 2009 Ystads Allehanda, June, 2009 Tidningen Foto, March, 2009 Norrbottens- Kuriren, November, 2008 Norrbottens-Kuriren, February, 2008 Norrländska Socialdemokraten, February, 2008 Västmanlands Läns Tidning, May, 2007 Tidningen City, September, 2007 Nöjesguiden, April, 2007 Sydsvenska Dagbladet, May, 2007 Västerbottens Folkblad, September, 2007 Västerbottens Kuriren, September, 1999 Dagens Nyheter, December

Abovegallery, The Scarlett Gallery
A member of:
Visual Copyright Society in Sweden(BUS)
KRO (Swedish Artists' Association